Thursday 23 April 2009




A statement to the “timfamily’s Wedding” by NCWAU.

提摩太之家是武汉市一家小规模的教会,2002年由几个在大学校园中传教的学生组织起来。他们要在2009年5月9日组织一个“世纪婚礼”,有36对分别不认识对方的教会男女信徒要在武汉沌口体育场像以撒和利百佳(圣经创世纪24章)一样结婚,声称回归所谓的完全神安排的那种婚姻,摒弃世俗的自由恋爱方式的婚姻,并且投身到巴基斯坦的传教生涯中。 [1]

zhangt1229网友将提摩太之家发给他的代祷信在海外情回中国网络社区基督家园论坛板块上公布,引起了包括多数基督徒在内的网友们的强烈质疑。[2] 我们一些生活在海外,在业余时间研究和批判基督教,想为中国精神文明建设出一点力的人,认为这是一种非常极端的迷信行为。


耶和华是真神,是活神,独行奇事,做事直到如今,我们的心 当敏锐,紧跟神的步伐,不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化,察验何为 神的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨意。教会更是要在世界当作光作盐。教会是神的 身体,要彰显神的荣耀,要发光影响并引领这个世界,而不是让世界来教教会 当怎样做。神的儿女当登高山极力扬声,向这麻木的世界喊:看哪!你们的 神!”
“所以在圣经上从来没有记载一个恋爱的,当然 雅各和拉结属于这自由恋爱,但是他们的婚姻的结局特别痛苦。。。。。男女之间神圣的只是婚姻不是恋爱,你可以谈论婚姻, 但是不要谈恋爱。”
“最近关于世纪婚礼质疑的呼声很大(风浪很大),但是基督在船上我们就不怕 风浪了,风浪过后一定要显明伟大的耶稣在中国教会的绝对和即时掌权,对中 国婚姻的翻转!中国在婚姻上要经历极大的自洁和委身给基督的浪潮,因为这 是神预备中国成为宣教中国的一个大手笔!”


一:这是一个不折不扣的极端原教旨主义 (extreme fundamentalism )教会,特点是完全摒弃世俗,一切按字面意思解释圣经,宣扬末世论,不惜利用各种手段传教,并在言行上彻底表现出来。

如其他一些基督徒所说,其实这是“人指挥神”。打个比方说, “以撒”们的老爸,“亚伯拉罕”们在这场戏中基本没有位置,为他们的教会代替。这和圣经创世纪24章就不相符。他们以“属灵(教会)”和“属肉(老爸)”论调来搪塞过去。让一位也很保守的福音派基督徒甚至评论“真不知道他们怎么想的”。在我们看来,这是一群还没有完全脱离“自由恋爱的污泥”的被基督教极端教义冲昏了头脑的,误入歧途的教徒。


“现在已经注册成立中阿和散那贸易有限公司。集公司、教会、宣教机构三种职能于一体。对外是绝对的公 司,对内是绝对的教会,以神在以弗所书所说的原则来建立教会,同时也承担宣教机构的职能。”






[1] 倍可亲Backchina社区代祷信: (网联已存档:2009-04-15)

[2] “提摩太之家-世纪婚礼”网页(网联已存档:2009-04-15)

[3]在美一方 忧:国内年轻一代基督徒为耶路撒冷而疯狂。(准备录入网联文库)



  1. Comment on Wu Hang Chang & Li

    Dear brother & sister:
    I am a DM student of Logos Evangelical Seminary LA,I know Lee Tai Yuan & Chang Yi(leader of this church) since 2003,I also talk to Lee on 4/28/09 afternoon for 2.5 hours ,this is my discernment:
    1. They are in kind of witchcraft, do the bad deeds in God's name & the Mission, use control,& title to manipulate Christian marriage.
    2. They use wrong interpretation of Old Testament & want to develop on today.
    3. they against the basic rule of Ethics: respect the free will let people can make their personal choice.
    4. We have 7 pastors & elders to talk to Lee on 4/17, he feel regret of what he doing, but back home talk to Chang, they post an article to said: to move all the sword of attack.
    5. The main problem is Chang Yi, behind her , we discern there is spirit of Jezebel behind ,also they use witchcraft way through prayer, meeting .teaching, web site, structure to develop their control.
    6. Job 35:13, Eph 4:17,2King 22:8,19-23,they have vanity of wrong thinking in their mind.
    7. They do not respect God & government too, make confusion in Wu Hang City & Wu Hang university too.
    8. Rome 1:21,Ps 75:4-5,8.
    9. They are doing the projection for what they are doing, they disobey, said people is disobeying.
    10. Chang in the web mentioned she feel God's angry at them, but she interpret it is because some one is wrong, not they are wrong.
    11. Tonight have 8-9 pastors in Wu Hang city will talk to them again, please pray God they can stop this wrong doing.

  2. Praise God through 5/2 night 8-9 pastors communicate with Chang & Lee,they agree to cancel the marriage meeting & activity

  3. 7 pastors talked 4 hours from 8-12 on 5/12 night ,all pastors all agree need to stop this activity,Chang & Lee all agree,please continue to pray for next few step to take the brake & finish the last few things

  4. 2009-05-10 02:56:20 yamsidaloo

      About the conflict happened in Wu Hang city on 5/7,5/9,we feel regret ,it is wrong doing of Lee & Chang first,not government,this is my discernment,please discern it,their control already make confusions in the city,Government only do what they can do,we feel government is right to do this to stop their wrong doing in the name of God & mission.the student who try to grab the police's gun ,so thing happened like what the picture you can not show only one side saying,4/18 ,7 elders & pastors talked to Lee for 4 hours,5/2 I talked to him for 2.5 hours,5/2 ,6 pastors talked to them for 4 hours,hope they give up the things they want to do,they use control & brain wash in church meeting,even stop parents to see their child ,gather all the girls want them to "sacrifice" for God & mission,give up their personal choice & is already in the field of cult & witchcraft.
       Please do not help them,it is have share of their bad doing.

    > 删除

    2009-05-10 03:14:15 yamsidaloo

       The idea is from a man just repant from his homo sexual attandance christian Song(according what Lee said in the interview with me),Song proclaimed: "I want to be marry this year,& also in the biggest place of Tun Ko meeting place",Lee accepted this idea is "from God",I discern this idea is from Satan,just like a rope Satan gave them(Lee & Chang),also Satan like to use their own hands to tie a knot & hang themself to die by their own hand.
       Why cult & witchcraft happened in church history,because they have worng interpretation of Bible & people who taught by them accepted their wrong teaching,so cult & witchcraft develope in church,like this,government need to deal with it,only governmnet have authority to do it,church in Wu Hang already have meeting & want them stop to do the wrong doing,but they refused.
       Also some parents want to see their kid who have been misleading,but Lee & Chang refused,if they can control people's marriage,sooner or later,they can let people die without any many cult cause tragedy before.
       Lee also lie to the voice of America & China aid just show the fact for his own control ,hide the fact for his own disobey & rebellion,it is dishonest & witchcraft .

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    2009-05-10 03:19:29 yamsidaloo

      Lee & Chang have wrong thinking for mission & God's voice,also they have illusion to do"great things for God",it is vanity,what ever they want make thing BIG & BIGGER,have better some one die,& let every one knows it,it is vanity,already over the limitation of man,they themself already as "God" for people who fellow.

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    2009-05-10 03:25:32 yamsidaloo

      1 Peter 5:1-4 Peter encourage elder like him to:
      KJV 1 Peter 5:3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.
      NAS 1 Peter 5:3 nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
      NRS 1 Peter 5:3 Do not lord it over those in your charge, but be examples to the flock.
      TNT 1 Peter 5:3 not as though ye were compelled therto but willyngly: not for the desyre of filthy lucre but of a good mynde. not as though ye were lordes over the parisshes: but that ye be a insample to the flocke.

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    2009-05-10 03:46:58 yamsidaloo

      羅 12:17 不要以惡報惡、眾人以為美的事、要留心去作。

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    2009-05-10 04:00:45 yamsidaloo

      sorry 4/28 I talked to Lee ,not 5/2

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    2009-05-10 08:27:40 yamsidaloo

      New article
